DiBEG (Digital Broadcasting Experts Group) has been promoting ISDB-T internationally, by providing information or extending technical assistance and cooperation on ISDB-T to those countries in need of such services. In the meantime in Brazil, where they adopted ISDB-T first outside Japan, the Forum of SBTVD (Sistema Brasileiro de Televisao Digital) has been active as the entity of Brazilian domestic standardization of ISDB-T. And ARIB/DiBEG and SBTVD Forum have been collaborating in the promotional activities of ISDB-T in the Latin American countries.
This time, taking the opportunity of the NAB Show 2016 in Las Vegas, the first regular meeting was held on April 19th at the Las Vegas Convention Center between ARIB/DiBEG and SBTVD Forum to exchange views and opinions for further solidifying mutual cooperation. While ARIB/DiBEG was represented by Mr. M. Sugawara, Chairman of DiBEG, Mr. K. Murayama, Chairman of DiBEG Task Force for Japan-Brazil Collaboration for Next Generation Broadcasting, and Mr. Y. Homma, Vice Director General, R&D Headquarters of ARIB, SBTVD Forum was represented by Mr. Roberto Franco, President of the Forum, Mr. David Britto, Coordinator, Mr. Olimpio Franco, President of SET (Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia), Mr. Fernando Bittencourt, Vice President of SET, etc.
At the meeting they discussed topics and challenges to be newly tackled by both parties from now on, and agreed to renew the joint documents which compile the differences between the Japanese and Brazilian ISDB-T standards.
Also at this occasion Japan proposed to include the EWBS (Emergency Warning Broadcast System)-related specifications into the Brazilian domestic standards in order to promote EWBS toward the Latin American ISDB-T adopting countries.
Brazil explained that they are studying the advancement of ISDB-T to have HDR (High Dynamic Range) as one of the next generation TV broadcasting technologies.
Both parties further agreed to hold this meeting regularly from now onward, roughly once every 6 months; and confirmed to coordinate the agenda and the timing of the next meeting in their mutual communications.

Atmosphere of Meeting