Digital TV Forum in Colombia

CNTV hosted “Digital TV Forum in Colombia” for comparison of 3 DTTB systems. DiBEG participated in both seminar and demonstration, and impressed the audience with ISDB-T’s robustness and service flexibility / high performances. 

Date April 29th, 2008
Place Casa Dann Carlton Hotel in Bogota
Hosts CNTV
Presenters Mr. Martinez : (NEC de Colombia SA)
Purpose of seminar The seminar by the representative with 3 systems (ISDB-T, ATSC, DVB-T)
Demonstration of ISDB-T is also performed
Contents One presentations
  • Televisión Digital Terrestre ISDB-T (Español) — “Mr. Martinez”
    HD/Multi SD plus One-seg broadcasting, interactivity, EMS, Free mobile reception, differences from other 2 standards.


The exhibition by three systems

High definition receivers of ISDB-T and One-seg reception


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